If the loan amount is voluntarily paid in full before the deferral period ends, interest will be waived but an early settlement fee up to £29 will apply.įinance is subject to application, financial circumstances and borrowing history. Amount of Credit £4255.52, Total amount payable will be £5,112.48 with a cost of credit of £856.96. Fixed with £0 deposit you would pay £213.02 per month. † Novuna Buy Now Pay Later Example: If total purchase price is £4,255.52, payment holiday of 12 months and 24 monthly payments at 9.9% APR Representative, Annual Interest Rate 9.9% p.a. Total amount payable will be £5.233.68 with a cost of credit of £978.16. Fixed with £0 deposit you would pay £145.38 per month. † Novuna Representative Example: If total purchase price is £4,255.52 and your selected term is 36 months 14.9% APR Representative, Annual Interest Rate 14.9% p.a.